We’re raring to go on all the fun things for summer! While you’re planning, evaluate your family’s dental health and safety so you don’t get caught unaware.
SPF FOR LIPS: Lips do get sunburned, and you don’t want to learn the hard way on this one. Use a lip balm with SPF 15 or higher. Avoid lip gloss, as it increases the risk of burns.
MOUTHGUARD: There are special mouthguards made to go over braces. Ask your orthodontist about them for your athletes. Getting these done in the summer also has one item off your list for back-to-school sports.
TRAVELING: Pack extra wax and clean finger nail clippers. Finger nail clippers can be used, with help from an adult, to clip long wires if one is causing discomfort. A new, clean emery board can also be used to lightly smooth rough wires.
Braces needs can arise at any time and any place, so make sure you stay current with scheduled appointments before leaving for any long trips.
SOCIALIZING: Remind your kids that while they’re having fun with friends, they should avoid foods that are problematic for braces, like jerky, taffy and other hard or sticky foods. And stay hydrated with water — it benefits your body and your teeth.
If you’re considering braces for your children, summer is a great time to start. They won’t have to worry about missing school for appointments, and it gives them time to adjust to wearing braces.
Brought to you by:
Brad Chvatal, DMD, MS
(541) 683-8490 • EugeneBraces.com
1400 Valley River Drive, 240, Eugene
1130 E. Main Street, Cottage Grove
