Tooth decay can begin as soon as your baby’s teeth come in. Decay that is left untreated can lead to cavities and cause pain and/or infection, so get your baby off to a healthy start.
Do not put a pacifier or spoon in your mouth before giving it to your child. Decay-causing bacteria that is in your mouth can be passed on to them.
Do not dip a pacifier or nipple of a bottle in anything sweet.
Bottles, sipping & snacking
Do not give your baby fruit juice until after they turn 1 year old.
Do not let your child sip sugary liquids all day (including juice drinks). Limit sugary liquids and sweets to mealtimes.
Never put your child to bed with a bottle or training cup.
Avoid giving your child sugary, chewy or sticky foods like candy, cookies, chips or crackers. Give them healthy snacks instead such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and cheeses.
After each time you breastfeed, wipe your baby’s gums with a clean, moist gauze pad or washcloth.
Once your child’s first tooth comes in, brush their teeth after each feeding.
Children should have their first dental visit after their first tooth erupts and before their first birthday. It may seem early, but it’s a great start for a lifetime of good dental care.
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1611 J street Springfield, OR
Dr. Erin Estep is a board-certified pediatric dentist who owns Treehouse Kids Dentist in Springfield. She and her staff are committed to making sure your child has an amazing, safe, memorable dental experience.