We all know it’s going to happen, despite the many, many times you said to your child, “Don’t forget your retainer at lunch!” And we can’t blame them. Kids who wear removable retainers or Invisalign must take them out to eat, and with the socializing and distractions of a school lunchroom, we’d probably forget them at least once ourselves.
Moms of a certain age might remember the trauma of having to dig through the cafeteria trash for a missing retainer. If you found it, it was with the knowledge you’d have to wear it again after it mingled with all that grossness. And if you didn’t find it, you’d have to tell your parents…and hear about how expensive it would be to get a new one.
The good news is those days are long over now that we have 3D printing. We make retainers in-house, from scanned models of your child’s teeth that we keep on file. This process makes retainers much more affordable than back in the day, with faster turnarounds.
It’s why we can offer lifetime retainers: you can get replacements anytime you need them. The program starts off with two sets of clear retainers for a low initial fee and a small copay thereafter. We also offer the program to patients who have had treatment elsewhere. It’s good dental care, peace of mind, and it won’t have anyone singing those lunch tray blues.
Brought to you by:
Brad Chvatal, DMD, MS
(541) 683-8490 • EugeneBraces.com
1400 Valley River Drive, 240, Eugene
1130 E. Main Street, Cottage Grove
