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Move over X-rays, there’s new tech in town

When I was 10 years old, my parents took me to the orthodontist because I hadn’t lost my front baby teeth, which are usually lost by age 7 or 8. He took an X-ray, and on that blurry image thought he could see two extra permanent teeth that were creating a log jam.

While X-rays have been and continue to be useful, we now have a new technology that allows for better visualization of the teeth, jaws and airway. It’s called 3-D Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). It is revolutionizing the way we approach missing, extra and impacted (stuck) teeth.

With CBCT, we can visualize the entire oral cavity — including the airway and joints of the jaw — in three dimensions and accurately plan the movement of teeth and placement of braces or aligners. We can assess both the tooth and bite implications of any treatment, while being aware of airway issues, resulting in more effective and efficient outcomes.

With this technology we are also able to detect problems earlier and prevent more serious problems from developing in the future. Also, the latest CBCT machines allow us to capture all the information we need at once, which reduces total radiation exposure.

If you have any orthodontic concerns for your child, we recommend an evaluation as close to age 7 as possible. Seek an orthodontist with CBCT to get a complete picture of your child’s teeth and jaws. At Chvatal Orthodontics, the initial consultation with a CBCT is always free.

And those extra front teeth I had as a child? They were skillfully removed by caring, fun professionals who fixed my smile…and the experience inspired me to become an orthodontist!


Brought to you by:

Brad Chvatal, DMD, MS

(541) 683-8490 •

1400 Valley River Drive, 240, Eugene

1130 E. Main Street, Cottage Grove

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