Summertime is sports time, whether it’s for competition or just for fun. Moms are typically thinking about safety gear like helmets, knee pads and sunscreen, but don’t forget an important one: your child’s mouth. Dental injuries hurt.
Mouthguards help children avoid chipped or broken teeth, nerve damage to a tooth or even tooth loss. The soft plastic can also protect a child’s lips, cheeks and gums from sport-related injuries.
A custom-fitted mouthguard developed by a pediatric dentist will protect your child from injuries to the teeth, face and even provide protection from severe injuries to the head. Over-the-counter mouthguards will work if you are unable to get your child a custom-made one.
Getting kids in the habit of wearing mouthguards reinforces the concept of using correct sport safety gear, so it simply becomes routine to do so. It’s often a requirement of many sports — and rightly so. The physical pain of damaged teeth, plus the expense, is something you definitely want to prevent.
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Dr. Erin Estep is a board-certified pediatric dentist who owns Treehouse Kids Dentist in Springfield. She and her staff are committed to making sure your child has an amazing, safe, memorable dental experience.