When you and your children have annual eye exams, we’re looking at more than your ability to see faraway or up close. There are numerous eye health factors we assess, including depth perception, color vision, peripheral vision and cornea shape.
During your exam, we also test your eye muscle strength, and we watch how your eyes work together. The health of your pupils, corneas, irides, lenses and retinas as well as eyelids, lashes and surrounding tissues are all part of a comprehensive eye exam.
At pediatric eye exams, we additionally look for conditions that are more common in children, such as amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (misaligned eyes). The free vision screenings at school are fine for catching obvious vision issues, but are no substitute for a comprehensive exam by a board-certified doctor of optometry. And mom, don’t put yourself last: sometimes “silent” diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure can reveal themselves in eye exams.
We’re also watching for changes in your family’s vision and/or eye health year-over-year. That’s why it’s important to stay up-to-date on preventive eye care, and why it helps to establish yourselves as regular patients of a comprehensive eye care center.
Brought to you by:
Carli Lancaster, OD
Albany Willetta St SW (541) 926-5848
Albany Custom Eyes (541) 928-2020
Downtown Corvallis (541) 757-1120
NW Corvallis (541) 752-4622
Lebanon (541) 451-5808
Lincoln City (541) 614-0946
Salem (971) 377-2703
