Research has shown that adolescents and teens want to contribute to their communities, and that they actually care quite deeply about the world when given a chance to help. Volunteering helps brain development, and it has been correlated with less depression and improved overall health in youth.
Through our Kidspirit teen leader program, teens ages 14 and up have the opportunity to learn leadership skills from our college student staff. This program is offered in tandem with our summer camp, and volunteers assist our camp counselorsas well as work directly with our campers.
An essential part of our teen leader program is the opportunity to assist our college student staff. Our camp counselors have a big job to do, and when our teen leaders are there, they are a big help. There are reciprocal benefits to this, as mentoring and being mentored is valuable for all.
Besides the many benefits, it’s fun! Our counselors, teen leaders and campers have a blast. And how can you not, with sports, art, science and more? Visit kidspirit.oregonstate.edu to get your teen, camper or counselor involved.
Brought to you by:
Karen Swanger is the Director of OSU KidSpirit Oregon 4-H Youth Programs kidspirit.oregonstate.edu
