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Study Spaces

As summer draws to a close, parents and children prepare for the back-to-school season. Beyond shopping for new clothes and school supplies, creating an inviting and functional study space at home can greatly enhance a child’s learning experience.

Whether you have a dedicated room or a simple corner, a touch of interior design goes a long way in transforming a space into an inspiring study area for your young scholar.

Finding the perfect spot

When selecting an area for the study space, consider a location with minimal distractions. An unused corner of the living room, a quiet nook in the child’s bedroom or even an opened, converted closet can serve as the ideal spot. Natural light is great, but a desk lamp will be key as the days grow shorter.

Color psychology

Opt for a color scheme that promotes focus and concentration. Calming shades of blue and green can stimulate creativity, while yellow and orange hues are known to enhance energy and enthusiasm.

Ergonomic furniture

Investing in ergonomic furniture is crucial for maintaining good posture and preventing discomfort during long study sessions. Consider an adjustable desk and chair that can accommodate your child’s growing needs. The desk should provide enough surface area for books, notebooks and a computer.

Organizational solutions

Effective storage solutions are essential for keeping the study space clutter-

free and organized. Install wall-mounted shelves or floating bookcases to maximize vertical space. Use labeled bins, boxes or cubbies to sort and store school supplies, textbooks, and other learning materials. A whiteboard or bulletin board can serve as a visual aid for important reminders and schedules.

Personalization and inspiration

Make the study space feel personal and inspiring by incorporating elements that reflect your child’s interests. Hang artwork, motivational posters or a corkboard for displaying achievements. Add a comfortable rug or cushions for cozy reading corners. Involve your child in the design process to give them a sense of ownership of their study area.

Technology integration

Ensure there are easily accessible power outlets and cable management solutions to keep cords organized. Consider installing a white noise machine or using noise-canceling headphones to minimize distractions. If space allows, a separate area for a computer or laptop can help create a designated digital workstation.

Creating a well-designed study space is a thoughtful way to support your child’s educational journey. A harmonious study space encourages focus, creativity and productivity, setting the stage for academic success and a love for learning that will last a lifetime.


Rylee Henderer | DESIGNER

Rylee Henderer grew up around construction job sites, sweeping up endless sawdust in the shop. She formally joined her family’s business in 2017 and learned everything from demolition and framing, to tile and cabinetry installation. From there, Rylee grew into client management, and along the way found a love for design. She is now a full-time designer, creating beautiful, innovative spaces for Henderer Design + Build + Remodel. / 541-753-5660

2350 NW Professional Dr. Corvallis

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