After knowing the loss of her own mother at a young age, this mom of two deeply cherishes making memories with her girls.
Profession: The Salvation Army Kroc Center Administrator & Corps Officer/Marion & Polk County Coordinator
Community: Salem
Partner: Jeff Walters, The Salvation Army Kroc Center Administrator & Corps Officer/Marion & Polk County Coordinator/Oregon State Liaison
Children: Joan, age 8, and Clara, age 6
Family comes first.
All families are unique. Tell us about yours.
I was born and raised in Newfoundland, Canada and my husband is from Sacramento, California. In 2008, I decided to take the summer semester off from university and traveled to California to work as a camp counselor at The Salvation Army Camp Del Oro in Nevada City. It was that summer at camp where I met my future husband.
We were engaged in 2009 and married in 2010. After our wedding, we moved back
to Newfoundland for a year and then accepted jobs with The Salvation Army in Maui, Hawaii; my husband was a youth worker, and I worked in human resources.
In 2016 we welcomed our first daughter, Joan, and in 2018, our second daughter, Clara, was born. Since then, we’ve lived in Santa Barbara, California and Honolulu, Hawaii. Our most recent move was to Salem this past summer.
Every family has its own traditions, rituals or inside jokes. What are some of yours? Every Saturday morning the girls help us make a “fancy breakfast” consisting of pancakes, bacon, cheesy scrambled eggs, fruit and coffee/tea/juice. We go all-out to set the table to look “fancy,” and enjoy this special time eating together. I love this Saturday morning tradition.
When did you know you wanted to be a mom? My mom was a gem: she was the definition of a kind, gentle and loving mother, and she was truly perfect in my eyes. Being a mom appeared to be the most special thing in her life, so right from an early age, I also knew I wanted to be a mother. Sadly, when I was only 13 years old, she passed away from cancer. From that day on I vowed to go above and beyond when I became a mother so my children would feel the same warmth and mothers’ embrace as I did when I was a child.
Tell us about one of your proudest mom moments.
Parent Teacher Conferences (thank you, teachers!). I am so proud of my girls and their dedication to doing well at school.
What is the most surprising thing you have found wedged between the sofa cushions or behind a car seat?
Car seats are always filled with endless remnants of snacks, so there’s no surprise there, but when we lived in Hawaii a centipede came crawling out of the couch after I got up. It was absolutely terrifying! When you live in a tropical rainforest though, you can always anticipate creepy crawly bugs to be nearby, but this one was by far the worst.
We’re all moms so we know that no one is perfect all of the time, or even some of the time. Tell us about your most recent “Mother of the Year” moment. You know, like forgetting to pick the kids up from school.
I would say that about half of the time, my kids eat lunch from school. On the days when I need to pack their lunches for them, I always put a lot of thought and care into what I pack. I honestly enjoy prepping their lunches for them — it’s an easy way to make your kid smile in the middle of the day at school.
Earlier this school year, after I picked up the girls from school, I asked them how their lunches were and they both looked at me and tried so hard to still be grateful, but politely said that they were surprised with what I packed for them. It turns out I packed perfect little lunches, but accidentally switched backpacks. I quickly learned
that I must double check.
What are you enjoying the most about parenting right now?
Each age and phase have been special in their own ways. Each day is a gift — and even though it might sound cheesy, I try to make each day special and memorable in some way or other. Making core family memories is a priority of mine.

No one works harder than mom.
We know that being a mom is a full-time job. How do you balance (or not) motherhood, activities, work, volunteering, household responsibilities, and life in general? What sometimes falls through the cracks?
Work-life balance is literally the key in keeping it all together. I live by my Outlook calendar; most days are filled with meetings, kids’ activities, prep time, appointments and planned family activities etc., and that’s okay, as long as there is a balance of everything. It’s crucial that there is time each day that your children are getting your undivided attention. They deserve that.
Tell us about your work or volunteerism outside of the home.
My husband and I have unique jobs because we get to work together, and we actually have the same job title. In our role with The Salvation Army, we oversee the operation of the Kroc Center, Kroc Church and the social services provided in Marion & Polk counties (shelter, family services, etc.). The Salvation Army has been here in Salem providing hope since 1887. We are thrilled to be a part of this community.
Tell us about a recent achievement you’re proud of, or a personal passion or talent.
In the last year, I performed in a production of The Nutcracker and La Corsaire. That was pretty exciting!
If mom’s not happy, nobody’s happy.
Tell us about your upbringing. How did it shape the mother you are today?
I’m so unbelievably grateful to have had a great upbringing, but losing my mom to breast cancer at the age of 13 was devastating. This has shaped me to be the mom I am today as I will do all I possibly can to ensure this doesn’t happen to my girls. I’ve advocated for myself to receive tests and early screenings so hopefully anything early would be caught. I control what I can control; I eat well, stay active and have healthy routines set in my life so I can take care of myself the best I can. I know there is only so much I can do, but I will do whatever I can in my power to be present for my girls.
Where did you grow up, and how did it influence you?
I grew up in Newfoundland, a stunning island in the Atlantic Ocean which has unique culture and traditions. Despite moving away so many years ago, I cherish my own heritage and do my best to keep it a part of who I am and how I live. Have you ever seen “Come From Away” the musical? It’s about the hospitality of the Newfoundlanders in the small town of Gander when 38 planes (carrying approx. 7,000 people) landed on September 11, 2001. The Newfoundlanders took the stranded passengers into their homes, fed them and cared for them for almost a week until they were cleared to continue to their final destination. This beautiful example of kindness inspires me each day.
Which good habit do you wish you started earlier? Eating less sugar. I feel so much healthier and stronger than ever before.
What is something you will NEVER do again? Go in a submarine in the ocean.
When did you realize you were no longer a child? When I had to start cooking all my meals and paying all my bills.
What is the quality you like most about yourself? I eat well and stay active. This is essential for me; I see a big difference in my mental health when I take care of these two areas of my life. I also like that I enjoy reading — it’s neat to see how this example has made a positive impact on my girls, even already.
If you could instantly have one new skill (i.e. foreign language, musical talent, eyes in the back of your head, etc.), what would it be? I would love to learn American Sign Language.
What’s your superpower? The ability to sense when the timer is going to go off when something is in the oven.
If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, in which event would you win a gold medal? Organizing. I can do a lot with some colorful sharpies, posts-its and a label maker.
Name one thing that is part of your daily routine that you just can’t live without.
Honestly, I love my morning routine. I’m very task-oriented so I actually enjoy getting up extra early in the morning to get a head start on my day. By 6:30 a.m. I can easily be ready for work, have the dishwasher unloaded, a load or two of laundry taken care of, lunches made, and enjoy some quiet time with a book and coffee before my family wakes up. Starting my day feeling accomplished sets a good tone for the rest of the day ahead.
Tell us something about you that would surprise people who don’t know you. I love tap dancing and performed River Dance.
Outside of your family members, who/what inspires you to be better?
The youth who look up to me. I hope to be a good role model.
The youth who look up to me. I hope to be a good role model.
Visit and spend time in a foreign country that has a totally different culture. I traveled to Greece and Turkey in September 2024, and it totally expanded my understanding of the world.

Listen to mom.
Is motherhood what you expected? What surprised you the most? I think it’s impossible to be totally ready for motherhood, but overall, it’s been what I expected. I was always looking forward to being a mom. What surprised me? How much laundry
I would need to do.
What’s the best advice you’ve received from another mom?
“Don’t rush potty training your kids.” I wish I knew this earlier on in my early years of parenting. If you try to rush a kid when they aren’t ready it just ends up being a stressor for all parties involved. With my second, I followed her lead and she trained so easily.
Who and what has influenced the mother you are today?
My mom, 100%.
What advice would you give your younger mom self? What do you wish you knew then that you know now?
Don’t waste your time comparing yourself to “super” moms on Instagram who look like they have it all together. There is no one-size-fits-all to motherhood. Raising children is very much a “you do you” type of deal. It’s important to have a community to have a safe place to share openly, but each family is unique with many different dynamics.
What message would you like to share with other moms? Remember to tell it like it is. Fill yourself with things/people that make you a better version of yourself — your kids deserve it and so do you.
MOMs Love Local
We love locally owned businesses, restaurants, places and organizations. Share your favorite…
…coffee spot: Odolla Coffee
…view or scenic lookout: We did the Trail of 10 Falls hike this summer which was pretty incredible.
…spot to get a good workout: The Kroc Center
…place to treat yourself to a mani/pedi, massage or other personal service: Nails West
…place where the kids can let off steam: The Kroc Center or Athletic Edge Gymnastics/Adventure Park
…event in your community: The Salvation Army Kroc Center throws some pretty incredible events!
…any other local places you love: Riverfront Park
MOM’s Favorite...
Tell us about your favorite…
…family games: Qwirkle, Guess Who, Jenga, Chinese Checkers, but our go-to is a dance party!
…words to live by: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” — Joshua 1:9
…place to find some peace & quiet: In my reading chair with my morning coffee by the fireplace, or a warm bath.
…binge-worthy TV or podcast: I’m from Canada, so I always go back to watching Heartland.
…way to get out of making dinner: I enjoy making dinner, so I don’t usually try to get out of it.
…time-saving app or digital tool: ChatGBT & Walmart+
…parenting book or philosophy: I tried reading a few parenting books, but I felt I needed the back-and-forth dialogue. So, for parenting advice, I would turn to my community of mom friends for wisdom.